Whitnie Wiley

Former ACC Docket Columnist at

Whitnie Wiley was a long-time columnist for the ACC Docket, where she wrote the Lead the Way column for more than seven years. The column provided leadership tips for in-house counsel and others as they pursue their personal and professional goals.

My Articles

The Yellow Brick Road

In the end, just like Dorothy and her entourage, getting to the end of the yellow brick road is about facing your fears and continually putting one foot in front of the other. And when something happens that takes us off our path, it is imperative that we get back on track at the earliest opportunity.

Dear Boss

Since our organization has finally consented to let staff participate in your annual evaluation, we thought we should let you know what to expect. We often thought it was interesting that we were evaluated by our superiors, who are the most aware of our jobs, while management was evaluated by their superiors, who only have a vague understanding of their leadership capabilities.