Humira Noorestani

Founder at DigiCounsel

Humira Noorestani has cultivated a diverse legal career, predominantly in the in-house sector, spanning various industries and across borders, such as construction, renewables, retail, and technology. As the founder of DigiCounsel, she spearheads a pioneering platform that equips lawyers worldwide with practical legal skills with a special focus on technology.

In parallel, she manages a thriving law firm practice that specializes in corporate and immigration matters. Notably, Noorestani has earned accolades including a Human Rights Award from the Pennsylvania Bar Association, a prestigious Human Rights Fellowship from the University of Pennsylvania Carey School of Law, a recognition from the College of William and Mary Law for her social justice work and a Congressional Recognition for her contributions to the legal field and women's empowerment.

Noorestani publishes and speaks on panels about AI and data privacy. She is also a fellow at the American Council on Women Peace and Security.  

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